Egly-Ouriet Ratafia de Champagne 700ml
Our Verdict
Ratafia de Champagne is a liqueur aperitif, made with the juice of freshly picked Champagne grapes and fortified immediately after pressing (to prevent fermentation commencing) with grape spirit distilled from Champagne grape skins. It belongs to the same family as Cognac’s Pineau des Charentes.
As with anything that is bottled by this great grower, this is not your average example of the genre. Apart from the renowned work in the vineyard, Egly uses only 100% Grand Cru, estate-grown Pinot Noir fruit from a particular harvest (in this case 2017) to make this. The fruit was sorted and pressed gently and the finest of grape spirit added before it spent four years mellowing in barrel.
- Size 700ml
- ABV 17%
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Egly-Ouriet Ratafia de Champagne 700ml
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